Local Phorkie Setup for Mac OSX

revision f83bd16cdebd4053d4b9ab5bf038eba4e748b643



Local Phorkie Setup for Mac OSX

These instructions are intended to be used on Mac OSX Mountain Lion and Mavericks. They may also work for Yosemite, but have not been tested.

Installing Phorkie

This step copies Phorkie to your local Sites directory.

Within Terminal, add Phorkie to your Sites directory. sh mkdir ~/Sites/phorkie

Next, copy Phorkie to your Sites’ Phorkie directory. sh cp phorkie-0.4.0.phar ~/Sites/phorkie

That’s it!

Configuring .phar files

This step makes your Apache installation recognize .phar files.

Within Terminal, edit your PHP configuration file. sh edit /etc/apache2/other/php5.conf

Within your editor, add the .phar extension to the application/x-httpd-php type. ```conf AddType application/x-httpd-php .phar .php AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

DirectoryIndex index.html index.php ```

That’s it!

Setting up your Host

This step makes your computer load http://phorkie from itself.

Within Terminal, edit your Hosts file. sh edit /private/etc/hosts

Within your editor, add Phorkie as a Host entry. conf phorkie

That’s it!

Setting up your VirtualHost

This step makes your Apache installation load http://phorkie from your local Sites directory.

Within Terminal, edit your VirtualHosts file. sh edit /private/etc/apache2/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf

Within your editor, add a Phorkie VirtualHost (where %USERNAME% is your username). conf <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName phorkie DocumentRoot "/Users/%USERNAME%/Sites/phorkie" <Directory "/Users/%USERNAME%/Sites/phorkie"> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks AllowOverride All Order allow,deny Allow from all </Directory> </VirtualHost>

Within Terminal, test your Apache configuration. sh apachectl configtest

Next, if this returns the message Syntax OK, restart Apache. sh sudo apachectl restart

That’s it!

Well done! Now you’re ready to play. Open http://phorkie/phorkie-0.4.0.phar from your web browser.
