ODK 1.0.3 and Firmware 1.0.193 We've broken with tradition and have released a firmware update not ending in eight, but at least it's the number that's graphically as close to an eight as you can get. Less than two months to release, here's what's new. Firmware 1.0.193 - New and Improved with the following: Users can now edit credit card info on the console under Manage > Account > Credit Card Manage menu reorganization Fix for Parse Errors that would occur on downloading some apps. For users that are experiencing this issue currently, go to Play, then press the U button to bring up the details page for the affected game. Selecting "Play" will allow you to re-download the game. ODK 1.0.3 Frequent updates to the OUYA Unity Package can be found at - http://tagenigma.com/ouya/OuyaSDK-1.0.0/ Known Issues: Image loading in discover can be slow, especially when jumping rapidly between categories. We are aware and working on fixing this issue.