Firmware 1.2.1187 Mini-Chupacabra Update and Developing Developers announcement Hey Folks, Today we launched our newest OTA and announced our new Developing Developers initiative. Here's the post on Developing Developers: And here's the post on the OTA: Update Notes for the OTA are: Want to learn more about making a game? Check out the new TUTORIALS section under the MAKE category. You'll find an intro video to show you how easy it is to set up Unity and get a game onto the OUYA Store - this is the first in a series of videos we’ll be putting together for beginning developers. You'll also see a beta for AIDE - a program that will teach you the basics of coding and game development. It works with the controller, or hook up a mouse and keyboard for the optimal experience. Check out for more info. Want a better way to sideload apks? Go look at the new UPLOAD functionality in MAKE. This allows you to upload an apk to your OUYA directly from any computer on your network - no cables or ADB required. Simply get the URL from the UPLOAD section, go to that URL in a web browser, and upload the apk. It's kinda like magic. Added an easier way to upload logs for troubleshooting. While this isn't super exciting to an everyday user, it will help us troubleshoot and figure out fixes - which leads to a better product for everyone. Added more robust control for videos on details pages. The Y button will pause. Left and Right on the dpad or analog stick will scrub forward and back while the video is fullscreen. Added a simple progress bar. Minor bug fixes, as usual. Additionally, if you weren’t already aware, we’re very excited to point out that OUYA is available on the Mad Catz M.O.J.O.! You’ll see us pop up on more devices in the future as we work to get the great games on OUYA out to a wider audience.