OUYA firmware versions

revision a7a6073767daef19a184225f595b5dbdd81f74ee



Official versions

1.2.1427 2014-12-15 Chickcharney Hotfix 2




1.2.1378 2014-11-21 Chickcharney Hotfix




1.2.1353 2014-11-06 Chickcharney




1.2.1187 2014-08-05 Mini-Chupacabra




1.2.1084 2014-05-22 Chupacabra Hotfix 2




1.2.1018 2014-04-24 Chupacabra Hotfix




1.2.995 2014-04-16 Chupacabra




1.2.853 2014-02-04 Jackalope




1.2.771 2013-12-12 Abominable Snowman Hotfix





1.2.703 2013-11-21 Abominable Snowman




1.2.667 2013-11-21 Abominable Snowman early bird



1.0.561 2013-10-08 Ogopogo




1.0.519 2013-09-19
















1.0.328 2013-06-24



1.0.309 2013-06-11



1.0.298 2013-06-11



1.0.264 2013-05-30



1.0.248 2013-05-30



1.0.193 2013-04-21




1.0.158 2013-04-04



1.0.138 2013-03-27




1.0.108 2013-03-22




1.0.68 2013-02-18




1.0.18 2013-01-11
1.0.11 ???
mentioned in discord #help by push28


 We've just rolled out the latest update to the ODK and the console firmware for you guys to enjoy.

The major new feature is that the site and the console now have an early version of a store where you can submit apps and see how you like the flow of submission, download, and playing them. We want your feedback, so let us know what you think!!!

The ODK change-log is;

ODK 1.0.0 - March 6, 2013

    Added isRunningOnOUYAHardware to OUYAFacade to allow developers to test for OUYA hardware

    Added menu button to OuyaController

    Controller LEDs correctly represent player number (as per OuyaController.getControllerByPlayer)

    Fix log-in issues when running on an emulator

    Made it easier for developers to check what button states change each frame

    Added action to allow apps to intent filter for detecting when the system menu is opening.

    Added security to IAP

The Firmware change-log is;

    Added extra security for purchases

    Updated game details screen to be more complete

    Single press of the System button brings up game menu, double press brings up OUYA menu

Yes I shameless stole Al's previous release post   There are many many other changes in both firmware and ODK, so run amok and enjoy!!


ODK 1.0.1 and Firmware 1.0.138

We've just rolled out the latest update to the ODK and the console firmware for you guys to enjoy, and we're keeping up with tradition so of course this build ends in eight

The most important thing to know is that the device name, product ID, and vendor ID have changed.  At the end of this post are specific instructions to update your .ini file so ADB keeps working as expected.  This is your quest, please complete it promptly.

The ODK change-log is;

ODK 1.0.1 - March 21, 2013
    •    The console USB VID/PID has changed. ADB will not work until you
          edit your adb_usb.ini file. Please see
    •    Tons of misc. goodness, please explore thoroughly!

Yes I shameless stole my own post which was stolen originally from Al's previous release post   There are many many other changes in both firmware and ODK, so run amok and enjoy!!


Add the following line to ~/.android/adb_usb.ini for your OUYA console to be recognized;
  Next run the following commands;
  adb kill-server
  adb devices
  Your console should be shown in the list of available devices.


ODK 1.0.2 and Firmware 1.0.158

The Unveiling has arrived!  We're proud to release the latest ODK and Firmware, and this time it's not just released to you, but to the world!

For users on Dev consoles, you may have to clear your OUYA Launcher cache to get the update.  If your console tells you it is already up to date and you still don't have access to Discover, please take the following steps:

- Go to Manage -> System Settings -> Advanced
- Scroll down and select "Apps"
- Press down
- Press right until the "All" tab is selected.
- Scroll down and select "OUYA Launcher"
- Select "Clear cache".
You should now be able to update correctly.

Firmware 1.0.158 - New and Improved with the following:

    Discover is now live!  Users can find your games in the discover category, download them, and make in app purchases

    New Game Details page is live allowing you to Thumbs Up and Delete games/apps from your OUYA

    Introduction of basic analytics for Developers:

        On the Dev portal, go to the Analytics header.  From there you can download a csv with basic analytics like downloads, purchases, and crash reports

        We plan to expand this and provide better views for it in the future

Welcome to day 1 everybody, we couldn't have done this without you!


ODK 0.0.5 and firmware 1.0.18 are now live!

-Resolved issues with the in-app purchase functions
-Included an updated framework .apk
-Made the "Expire Current Token" menu option work
-Test "always decilned" products are once again correctly declined
-Added a proper OUYA icon for game-sample
-Force US locale when using NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance
-Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes

OUYA Unity package:
- Build and Run in the OUYA panel recognize the build settings for selected scenes, development checkbox, and script debugging.
- Event driven controller input
- Multiple controller support
- SceneMultipleControllers supports multiple controllers on characters


ODK 1.0.3 and Firmware 1.0.193

We've broken with tradition and have released a firmware update not ending in eight, but at least it's the number that's graphically as close to an eight as you can get.   Less than two months to release, here's what's new. 

Firmware 1.0.193 - New and Improved with the following:

    Users can now edit credit card info on the console under Manage > Account > Credit Card

    Manage menu reorganization

    Fix for Parse Errors that would occur on downloading some apps.  For users that are experiencing this issue currently, go to Play, then press the U button to bring up the details page for the affected game.  Selecting "Play" will allow you to re-download the game.

ODK 1.0.3

    Frequent updates to the OUYA Unity Package can be found at - 


Known Issues:

Image loading in discover can be slow, especially when jumping rapidly between categories.  We are aware and working on fixing this issue.


Improvements to all screens during initial out-of-box experience
MAKE category is no longer super aggro with its pop-up
Improvements to game downloads if internet connection is lost mid-download
Performance improvements with controllers
Fixed null reference exception that could occur when main menu appears
Fixed an issue where the displayed expiration date for cards could be off by 1 month
Fixed an issue where ethernet connection was sometimes not recognized if the cable was inserted after boot up
Going to console updates with no internet connection no longer puts users into a loop
Cleanup on button legends to be more accurate
Minor layout tweaks to soft keyboard


Adjusted settings to address console heat issues that some users were encountering


ODK 1.0.5 and Firmware 1.0.298 (and minor update 1.0.309)

Piers is busy helping out at E3 today, so I'll be filling in for today's OTA announcement

Here is the changelog for 1.0.298:

    New Discover section is LIVE!
        Layout is changed to better highlight games and allow the user to more easily access them.
        Tile images now load in more quickly and have better caching.
        Improved performance and navigation.
        Download progress is now shown on the tile for each game, making it easier to see progress.  OUYA supports 3 simultaneous downloads and will queue requested downloads above 3. 
        Genre sections launch user to a new window so many more games can be seen at a time.
    Play category now loads more quickly and scrolls smoother for users with lots of games.
    Games with available updates now have an icon in the top right corner of their tiles in both Play and Discover.  Users can download the update from the tile in Play, or from the Game Details screen. 
    Downloaded games now install automatically.  No more annoying default Android permissions screen!  No more “Install” tiles in the Play menu! Working on world peace next.
    Users can put their OUYA into sleep mode via the controller. Hit (Y) from the main menu to do so.  OUYAs in sleep mode can be woken up by turning on a controller or pressing the power button on top of the OUYA.
    Android settings and Browser now respect TV safe zones.  And yup, part of the “O” in OUYA is still supposed to be off screen on the Main Menu =) 
    Region Restrictions are now available for Developers.  You can restrict regions for your games through the Dev Portal.  Remember, you are choosing which regions to NOT show in.  Your games show in all regions by default.
    Release Calendar is now available for developers.  Devs can choose to give a release date for their title that will show on ouya.tv for all users to see.  It’s a great way to tell people to look out for your game!
    Fixed issue that could cause input queuing in some games.
    Changed “Re-run Setup” to do a full factory reset (and renamed it to “Factory Reset”).

Edit:  1.0.309 update on June 17th fixes the issue where you could get stuck in an update loop when downloading game/app updates.


ODK 1.0.6 and Firmware 1.0.328

Piers is busy taking a beauty nap, so I'll be filling in for today's OTA announcement 

Here is the changelog for 1.0.328:

    Game Details page has been re-designed:
        Images and buttons now easier to navigate
        Selecting (Pressing the (O) button on) an image will show it full screen
        Description text no longer flows off screen.
        “More Info” button allows user to read full description text
        Longer titles now accommodated better
        Queued downloads now display as "In Queue…"
        Ratings system has been updated to use a more intuitive system of age ranges
        Founders Icon for games now appears on the Game Details page.  Thanks for believing!
    Download behavior changes:
        Game downloads can now be cancelled!
        Downloads have been limited to 1 to increase performance while navigating during a download
        Downloads are paused when a game is running to maintain best performance while playing.  They resume automatically when exiting the game
        Downloads now start in the order they were queued
        Downloads give a clear indication when there is not enough space left to accommodate them
    Added the ability to set a PIN code for purchases.  Parents rejoice!  This can be found in under MANAGE -> ACCOUNT -> PARENTAL CONTROLS
    Added support for redeeming pre-paid cards.  They can be redeemed when creating a new user, or from the MANAGE -> ACCOUNT -> PAYMENTS screen
    Re-flowed in-game purchases to accommodate pre-paid cards.  Allows the user to fix purchase errors without leaving the game.
    Logging out now allows users to log in or create a new user
    PLAY category now sorts by most recently played or downloaded
    Changed background image.  Style points +1
    Changed layout of Network screen to match the new user experience.
    Changed the look of more dialogs to have the OUYA theme
    Fixed bug that could cause the account screen to appear to not respond to user input
    Fixed a bug that could occur when getting a system update while out of space
    New repository with 3rd party game engine examples:https://github.com/ouya/ouya-sdk-examples/


Firmware 1.0.346 (minor update to 1.0.365)

1.0.346 just fixes a few issues, and there's no update to the ODK this time. Changelog: 

    Fixed changing passwords through Gamers Portal blocking users 
    Fixed purchases not working when changing to a Dev account 
    Fixed simultaneous button presses not registering in some MP games

1.0.365 fixes the issue with the game/app details page sometimes not loading correctly.


ODK 1.0.7 and Firmware 1.0.393

Firmware 1.0.393 - July 25th has a ton of fixes and new functionality.  Enjoy

    Network selection menu updated

    Better communication of important details, including current active connection

    Wi-Fi list now auto refreshes

    Various bug fixes

    Improvements to download speed over Ethernet

    Wi-Fi is now disabled when Ethernet is active (to increase performance).  Removing Ethernet will re-enable Wi-Fi.

    Fixed an issue where downloads could get stuck in the “in Queue” state

    Changed the automatic controller pairing popup to occur after 2 minutes if the console is turned on and no action is taken.  Also reworded the screen to make it clear already paired controllers can simply be turned on to connect

    Better handling of case where user changes their password on the web while logged into the console

    Fixed an issue where entering too many characters in the search window could cause a crash

    Fixed an issue where pressing the system button on two separate controller at the same time would register as a double tap

    In the Make menu, if the selected game hasn’t been downloaded yet, the "O" button now goes to the details page

    Pulled various page headers into the safezone, to avoid it looking like there is an overscan issue with the OUYA menus.

ODK 1.0.7 - July 23, 2013

    Exposed more information in the Receipt class: purchasing gamer uuid & app-specified purchase uuid

    Finally fixed OuyaController.startOfFrame crash

    Fixed OuyaFacade.getGameData always returning the incorrect value

    Added OuyaFacade.getAllGameData to get all key/value pairs



ODK 1.0.7 and Firmware 1.0.409

Age Gating has been introduced for PLAY and DISCOVER!  Here are the details:

    Age Gating is OFF by default.

    To turn it on, go to MANAGE -> ACCOUNT -> PARENTAL CONTROLS -> “Filter content by rating”.

    Select which level of content you wish to block.  Selecting a level blocks that level and anything more mature than it.

    "Block" means that any game/app with that rating or higher will simply not 
    appear in DISCOVER and PLAY.  To see these games/apps again, simply turn
     of Age Gating.


ODK 1.0.7 and Firmware 1.0.439 (minor update to 1.0.459)

For your Wednesday morning pleasure, a new update!

    The Main Menu has a new coat of paint!

        “Most Recent” shows your last played, downloaded, or updated game, so you can jump in even quicker

        “Must Play” highlights cool games on the OUYA recommended by the OUYA team.Discover “Featured” tiles got some Giant Growth (+3/+3).

    Discover tiles now always line up in their column when scrolling.

    Currently downloading games now show in PLAY, making it easier to see and manage the download queue.

    Localization support for French, Italian, German, and Spanish.

        To see your OUYA speak in another language, go to MANAGE -> SYSTEM -> LANGUAGE

    Made improvements to store loading speed.

    Improvements to new user signup - errors now show when you exit each text field, 
    instead of waiting to ambush you after hitting “Register”.

    Fixed an issue where users that had manually turned off Ethernet were unable to turn it back on.

Edit for minor update to 1.0.459

Hotfix: Implemented changes to reduce server load and fixed issue where some users were not seeing download bars when downloading games


ODK 1.0.8 and Firmware 1.0.519

For your Thursday morning pleasure, a new update!  We also have a special blog post with more detail and context on this release. 


Full Release notes (9/19/2013):

    Installed games are now moved to the back of their row in DISCOVER, so now it’s easier to find games you don’t already have.

    You also have the option to Bury (manually push a game to the back of a row) by pressing the right thumbstick (R3). DISCOVER is your playground…go nuts!

    The OUYA now informs you when a game has finished downloading and when it has finished installing. Because knowing is half the battle.

    Our intern has hidden an “Easter Eggs” menu somewhere on the OUYA… can you find it?

    Fixed an issue where sometimes a system update would cancel and not inform the user, so only a blank downloading bar would appear.

    Fixed an issue where high bandwidth could actually cause performance issues and crashes while navigating menus.

    Fixed an issue that could cause the OUYA to overheat in some cases.

    Fixed a handful of crashes that could occur after browsing DISCOVER for a long period of time.

    Added currency support for Pounds and Euros. This will be enabled NEXT WEEK. Existing accounts will continue to transact in US Dollars, while new accounts will transact in the currency appropriate for their region.

A note on external storage:

    We understand everyone wants this feature (we do too!), so I just want to let y’all know that we are currently working on it. It’s not a simple feature to do right, so know that we hear your feedback and are working on it as our top priority. It’s coming =)



ODK 1.0.9 and Firmware 1.0.561 (Ogopogo)

What's a Tuesday without a nice big awesome update?   Read on, if you dare...

Full Release notes (10/08/2013):

    External Storage will enter Closed Beta next week! Interested in participating? Apply here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1jIMULlQuv4BZ1MjWNdZ4mX_R2fyeL3VaMRqGHWMfm34/viewform

    Added the ability to display video (for game trailers and footage) in the game details page. Developers can now upload videos to Vimeo and submit a link to show that video on their game’s page. If a video exists, it will display in the first screenshot slot.

    Added the ability to download a game without entering its game details page.  Just press the U button while highlighting a game’s tile to download.

    Fixed HDMI wakeup issue. If your TV was mysteriously waking up your OUYA, it should no longer do that after this update.

    Added “forgot password” option to the existing user sign-in screen. Now you’ll actually know where to go, if you can’t remember your password.

    We’ve changed “Download” to “Free Download” to make it clear that everything is free to try.  Not everyone knew that they wouldn’t be charged for a download, so now it’s crystal clear. It’s free to try ALL THE THINGS.

    Enlarging a screenshot (or video) now goes full screen (instead of just bigger).

    We now highlight the search substring when doing a search so it’s much more clear why you are getting each result. We’ve also moved game titles that start with your search to the top of the list. It’s way better.

    Improved performance (speed and smoothness) in PLAY with lots of installed games.

    Added a pop up message upon starting the console to remind users how to connect a controller.

    Changed sorting of buried and installed tiles in DISCOVER. It used to be Uninstalled, followed by Installed and Buried (mixed together). Now it’s Uninstalled, followed by Installed, followed by Buried.

    Devs: When uploading apks, it’s now more clear that you can use your previously published apk if you just want to edit text or screenshots…. or VIDEO =)

    Devs: you can now hide or change the mouse cursor in your games and apps.  For more info see the ODK Controllers document.

    Added Terms of Service to the console. Yup, it’s annoying to click through, but it makes the legal types happier. Think of the lawyers.

    In case you missed it, multiple currency support is now turned on! If you want to switch your wallet currency, there’s more info here: https://ouya.zendesk.com/entries/26777317-How-can-I-change-the-currency-of-my-OUYA-wallet-

    A bunch of other small bug fixes and optimizations.

So, uh… what’s up with “Ogopogo”?
Well, we realized that just naming each update after the date it was released was pretty boring, so we’re giving our updates a theme: Cryptids. 

A Cryptid is “a creature or plant whose existence has been suggested but is not recognized by scientific consensus”.   Our first Cryptid is Ogopogo: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ogopogo

Corresponding blog post: 
Keep calm, and OUYA on


We've just rolled out the latest update to the ODK and the console firmware for you guys to enjoy.

The major new feature is that the site and the console now have an early version of a store where you can submit apps and see how you like the flow of submission, download, and playing them. We want your feedback, so let us know what you think!!!

The ODK change-log is;

    The method signature of decryptReceiptResponse has changed to allow for receipt encryption. Please use parseJSONReceiptResponse instead until encrypted receipts are available.
    Changed the OUYA intents to have a "tv." at the front.  The new intents are: tv.ouya.intent.category.APP or tv.ouya.intent.category.GAME
    Fixed a bug where the controller 'anytime state querying' wasn't working for some buttons/axes
    Removed a bunch of auto-boxing within the OuyaController class

The Firmware change-log is;

    The Store is now open!
    New wifi setup screen.
    Updates to support the newest ODK.
    Various bug fixes and performance improvements.


Al Sutton
Android Specialist


ODK 1.0.10 and Firmware 1.2.667 (Abominable Snowman)

In all the excitement, we almost forgot to post here =)

You can see the full blog post here:

    External Storage is in open beta!

        Just plug in a USB drive to get started. Please see the list below for details and known issues.

        We support NTFS, FAT32, and ext4 file formats.

        Games on external storage are currently associated with the OUYA they were downloaded from (so you can’t use the storage to transfer a game from one OUYA to another. Sorry!).

        If you’ve modded your system with apps like Link2SD, you’ll want to undo your changes in order for external storage to work.

        You may notice some slowdown while a game is installing to USB. This is expected and is something we hope to address in future updates.

        After downloading a game to external storage, sideloading an app will put it on external storage.

        Some games do not properly move their saved game data when moved to an external drive. If this occurs, you can move the game back to its original location to recover the save files.

        When connecting a USB drive, scanning can take a few minutes if lots of games (100+) are installed. We plan to improve this in future updates, but if you download all of DISCOVER, scanning will take a while.

        Occasionally on bootup with an external drive attached, the screen wil go completely orange while the scanning takes place. You can wait for the scanning to finish, or reboot.  We are looking into a fix.

        When ejecting the USB drive, sometimes it will say a download is still going even if one isn’t. We are working on a fix for this.

    UI revamp! We’ve made some significant changes to the look and feel of the UI. (A few screenshots at the bottom of the post)

        OUYA is now more intuitive, visually appealing, and better able to feature your games. It’s even got built-in functionality to allow us to update featured games and the wallpaper on the fly.

        All game titles are now underneath the tile art, for easier browsing.

        Tiles have new icons for installed games and game with available updates.

        Controller icons now appear for all connected controllers and will give a low battery indication.

    Double tap of the OUYA button will now bring up a System Menu instead of instantly exiting a game.

        The System Menu allows you to exit games, eject a USB drive, turn off controllers, or put OUYA into sleep mode.

        Games can now be set up to allow purchases from OUYA menus. Games that have enabled this will have a “Buy” button in their System Menu.

        We’ll be expanding and adding more functionality to this menu in the future.

    Support for faster system updates. We’ve enabled “Incremental Updates”, which means updates (after this one) will be much quicker. NOTE: If you’ve modified your system files, you’ll continue to get the full updates.

    Developers can now create links that allow you to download their game to your OUYA from the web. These links aren’t just confined to the ouya.tv site, they can be placed on any webpage. Keep an eye out for these links! You’ll see them start to appear on our newsletter, which you can sign up for on ouya.tv.

    Update Notes are viewable on the console. They appear after an update, or you can go to MANAGE -> UPDATE NOTES to view them.

    Good ol’ fashioned bug fixes

        Fixed an issue where users could not access the Internet because the system clock had reset, causing certificate problems.

        Fixed an issue where the download button didn’t always display the proper text.

        Fixed an issue where holding the analog stick to the side didn’t auto-scroll

        Many minor issues

    R2 and L2 can be used to scroll quickly in both PLAY and DISCOVER

One other feature that we think is pretty cool is the ability to run A/B tests on OUYA. If you’ve not heard of A/B testing before, you can read about it here. Part of us being open includes letting you know that we’ll be running A/B tests and gathering results to make the OUYA better for gamers and developers alike. To start, we’ll be testing things like different DISCOVER layouts, different featured games on the Home screen, and auto downloading games for new users. It requires no changes on your end… just know you and your friends might have different experiences =).


Firmware 1.2.771 (Abominable Snowman Hotfix #2)

Hey folks,

We just released our newest mini-update (part 2!). Details are in the blog:

    Improved recommendations in the System Menu to dynamically give recommendations based on the game you are currently playing.

    Added settings to allow you to prioritize bluetooth or wi-fi based on their needs. Default settings will automatically prioritize bluetooth with 2 or more controllers connected.

    Navigation performance improvements in DISCOVER – This is an ongoing effort, but you should already see noticeable improvement.

    Tweaked the position of the active row in DISCOVER to better show rows below it.

    More External Storage Open Beta bug fixes

        Added spinners to USB dialog boxes to make it more clear that an action is taking place and it’s not stalled.

        Fixed an issue where ejecting a USB drive sometimes reported that a download was in progress when there was no download.

        Fixed an issue where entering game details of an installing game would display no information.

        Fixed several cases where a bad removal could require a console restart to get USB functionality back.

    Added the ability to ask survey questions in the System Menu. Your feedback is incredibly important to us, so keep an eye out for these questions.

    We’ve got improved error reporting and have added the ability for our Customer Service team to work with gamers to get better log information.

    Fixed an issue that would cause gamers to get an incremental then a full update when they shouldn’t (fixed going forward).

    Fixed an issue where sometimes Update Notes wouldn’t display after an update.


If you don’t get this update right away, please go to MANAGE -> SYSTEM -> SYSTEM UPDATES.

Also, as mentioned in our last update blog post, we are looking into XBMC Audio Passthrough and CEC support as our next tasks. We know y’all want it, so we are working on making it happen =)
