Use a custom wine prefix to be able to set the Windows version to Windows 95 (setup will fail otherwise0
Install Setup.exe from the .iso file
Rename "Comandos.exe" to "Commandos.exe" (to fix the DirectX5 error)
Run it with "LC_ALL=C" to make it think it's not running on a German computer
Run it full-screen without issues with gamescope:
LC_ALL=C WINEPREFIX=/home/spiele/.wine-commandos gamescope -h 768 -H 1080 -f -r 30 -- wine Commandos.exe
The game is way too fast. Replace Commandos.exe with a speed-fixed one, e.g. "Commandos BEL BCD Ultimate Fixes" from
Saving games is not possible. Modify "OUTPUT/Comando.cfg" and add at the end: